Wednesday, 14 July 2021


The latest issue of WIRED UP! GAMZINE features an interview with DANIEL CAMILO who colourizes 60's and 70's photos of SKINHEADS, SMOOTHIES, FOOTBALL FANS and so on. Five examples of his work on early 70's SMOOTHIE youths are included and show how he brings those old snaps to life { check out his INSTAGRAM page for more: bovverglam }. Other items include Part 2 in a series of articles on the links between the 70's GLAM and PUNK scenes and an interview with the compilers of the KNUCKLE GIRLS LP's { plus the DENIM DISCO review of them  KNUCKLE GIRLS VOLUMES 1 & 2 }

Here's a brief teaser of the interview with THE KNUCKLE GIRL'S: DEMOLITION DAWN and SADO SHAZ:

QUESTION: Some of the songs on the LP could have been hits. I'm thinking of '' LOOKING FOR LOVE '' by GLO MACARI and '' FAREWELL '' by AYSHEA . Going the other way, which are the oddest cuts?

ANSWER: VIC LEZAL'S PROFESSIONALS are without doubt, the oddities from Vol.1. They were a 16-piece covers band from England, providing back up for touring performers like ANDY WILLIAMS and ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINK! House band at The Ritz nightclub in Manchester from 1973 for 37 years! '' BLITZ AT THE RITZ '' must have been made to promote the club

From Vol.2. '' LIFELIGHT '' by THE { NEW } SETTLERS, stands out in so much that it's an unlikely FOLK-GLAM hybrid that had it been a hit, would have been a very distant cousin to their previous claim to fame '' LIGHTNING TREE ''. That was the theme to the kids TV Show FOLLYFOOT

QUESTION: The ROCK FOLLIES tracks sound so much better than I remember. Time for a re-appraisal?

ANSWER: The two series of ROCK FOLLIES were originally broadcast in the UK in 1976 and 1977, during the two key development years of PUNK. So to your average punk on the street they already appeared a little quiant and dated. Although THE BUZZCOCKS did take their name from a TIME OUT MAGAZINE review of the show. '' Ever get a buzz, cock? '' being a typical phraze from JULIE COVINGTON'S character DEVONIA '' DEE '' RHOADES. I think the ROCK FOLLIES, though, definately wore their '' LITTLE LADIES '' T-Shirts with a keen sense of irony

WIRED UP! can be purchased via the following links: 




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